Thursday, November 3, 2011

Somewhere In The Middle

One of my favorite television shows, is ABC's The Middle.  Does the show have ANYTHING to do with what I'm blogging about today?  I could break it all down and say yes, but it's really THE MIDDLE, that has my attention today.  Barry Goldwater said, "Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  In my life experience, extremism  has been necessary to accomplish the goal or task at hand, but the goal at hand is usually something in THE MIDDLE.  Whether we're dealing with a form of government (democracy although we are really a federalist system) or an economic system (yes we are a capitalist system) something in the middle seems to work best.

So how does THE MIDDLE exist?  It only exists because there are extremes.  Viva la extremes!!!   I love information I get from both sides.  Do I have a bias? Of course I do, but what kind of thinking doesn't take into account information from all quarters before coming to a conclusion?  Hey! Wow! THE MIDDLE appears again.  

Since I'm not the worlds greatest writer let me just spell it out for you in case my writing hasn't gotten you there.  We need people on the extreme end of things to push us in different directions.  We also need THE MIDDLE to bring stability to both ends.  Neither can function without THE MIDDLE to balance things.

Just some food for thought.


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